Christmas Jumper Day!

As you can see in the beautiful photo here and the obligatory selfie, PKB enjoyed a ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ in the office.



In order to wear such fetching attire to work, the staff paid their hard-earned cash which has been donated to Crisis at Christmas (




Office Hours

Our office will close on Friday 23 December 2016 at 12:00noon and re open at 09:00am on Tuesday 3 January 2017.

Self Assessment Tax Returns 2015/16

If you still need to complete your 2015/16 Self Assessment Tax Return (SATR), please remember that the Return and any payment due has to be with HMRC and funds cleared no later than 31 January 2017, to avoid penalties and fines. HMRC adopt a zero tolerance policy for non-compliance, so if you have any concerns please contact us.

Thank you

All of us at PKB would like to thank you for being a valued client, supplier or contact during 2016 and we look forward to working with you again next year.

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