We have received a letter entitled ‘Removal of your company details’ from England Commercial Register and wanted to share this with you, in case you should receive similar.
It has been recorded online by others as a ‘scam’. It comes in the form of a well-presented letter, which asks the recipient to revise and approve their information ‘promptly’. A form is included, already pre-filled with information on the business to which it is sent.
To cut a long story short, the sting comes in the information at the bottom of the form, which includes the statement:’Order: Please return this form duly signed/stamped in the section below if you agree to an order at the specified annual amount as governed by the following terms….’ The period of the order is later detailed as 3-years at a cost of 993 Euros plus VAT per annum.
By returning the form with your updated details, you are signing up to a 3-year advertisement.
Warnings about this ‘scam’ have been posted overseas also.
The letter is headed “Removal of your company details” and the text reads as follows:
Removal of your company details
Dear Sir/Madam
In order to avoid the removal of your incomplete company details, please revise and approve your information promptly.
Should the information provided not be correct or be incomplete, you have the opportunity to correct your information as a basic data entry (company name, trade, city, postcode) under Commercial Register: www.com-reg.com ‘Update”‘ Box. You will not be charged for this.
If you require the publication of further company details which exceeds the scope of the basic data entry, please make use of the attached form and return it to us. As our company is not affiliated with a public authority or any official entity, this entry is subject to a charge. In this case, please ensure that the form is signed by an authorised signatory. The application for an entry in our Commercial Register targets companies, self-employed persons, institutions and authorities and not private persons.
We thank you for your contribution to keep Commercial Register up to date and wish you success with your publication.
Best regards
Chief editor
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