The government is testing a new online service to help employers support and manage disability in the workplace.

Many employers are familiar with the challenges involved with recruiting the people they need to help their business survive and prosper.

Many industries are facing a talent shortage at the moment so it has never been more important for organisations to think about how they can retain and develop the employees they already have.

A big part of this is doing everything you can to prevent long-term absence and avoidable job loss because of ill health or disability.

Recognising this, the UK Government is currently testing a new online service for employers. It provides advice and guidance on managing health and disability in the workplace and also explains your legal obligations and good practice.

This may be particularly helpful for smaller businesses who don’t have an in-house HR function or access to an occupational health service.

By taking part, you’ll receive free information and guidance on disability and health-related employment issues. You can use it to help manage a current case, or simply take a look around the site to see what’s useful and identify any improvements you can make within your organisation.

For more information on how to support and manage disability in the workplace, please head to the website.

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